Sunday, October 31, 2010

Beans, Beans, Beans

Beans, Beans, Beans

Baked beans,
Butter beans,
Big fat lima beans,
Long thin string beans-
Those are just a few.

Green beans,
Black beans,
Big fat kidney beans,
Red hot chili beans,
Jumping beans too.

Pea beans,
Pinto beans,
Don't forget shelly beans.

Last of all,
Best of all,
I like jelly beans!

Explication of Beans, Beans, Beans

I choose this poem because it is a good example of a list poem. It could be a shopping list but the way the beans are described and the way this poem flows makes it a work of art. I like how at the end the poet says jelly beans because the whole time I was reading the poem I was thinking about jelly beans. The main tool the poet uses is repetition of the word beans, even the title is beans, beans, beans.


Blueberries as big as the end of your thumb,

Real sky-blue, and heavy, and ready to drum

In the cavernous pail of the first one to come!

And all ripe together, not some of them green

And some of them ripe!
     You ought to have seen!
Robert Frost

Blueberries Explication

This is a poem by Robert Frost. It is a shortened version because the real poem is way to long to post. This poem describes the beauty of nature. It talks about how people are so busy that they don't have time to stop and admire the natural beauty of our world. I think he is also trying to say that the little things in life, like picking blueberries in a field, are what can make us happy. Robert uses very descriptive language so you can picture the blueberries and the surroundings. He uses comparisons very well to describe the blueberry by comparing it to the size of your thumb. I personally looked at my thumb and thought that would be a huge blueberry. The rhyme scheme is AABCDC and the main body of the poem has 11 syllables so there is great rythme. 

Original Haiku- Nachos

Warm melted orange cheese,
Overflowing nacho chips,
Greasy finger prints.

Nachos Haiku Explication

This poem fits my theme of food because it is about a food. I got inspiration to write this when I was eating a plate of nachos chips. I noticed that they looked really good so I tried to be as descriptive so the reader could picture the chips and I also noticed my fingers were greasy and I thought that other people would know and relate to what I was talking about. There isn't many poetic devices but I tried to use imagrey so you could picture a big plate of great nachos. The syllable arrangement is 5, 7, 5, which is common with other haikus.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big Mary Explication

This poem isn't very deep or insightful but it is kind of funny and fits my theme of food because it describes all the food Mary eats. The poem is really just about Mary, who eats a ton and weights a ton. It could be a form of parody because it starts with the well know fairly tale line "Mary had a little lamb". The main poetic device used would be rhyme and repetition of the words, "a little". After I read this poem I laugh and then I feel hungry so although it seems simple it does bring out feelings and senses.  

Our First Poem Post

Big Mary

Mary had a little lamb,
a little toast,
a little jam,
a little pizza
and some cake,
some French fries
and a chocolate shake,
a little burger
on a bun.
And that's why Mary
weighs a ton.

By: Bill Dodds

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Welcome to the new and hottest poetry site on the web. We post hundreds of poems weekly about food. Some are our original compositions and some are famous, well-known poems. We hope you enjoy!
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